Customising Exports for the 'Laravel Nova Excel' Package

I recently worked on a project that needed an export for an Orders view within a Laravel Nova panel. If you have simple requirements, for example, exporting all fields with titles – that is relatively simple to produce. However, I needed to update fields and merge others with some other custom changes.

In short, I moved the export logic into its own Laravel Nova action called ExportOrders. and added this into the Nova Resource actions like so:

namespace App\Nova;

use App\Nova\Actions\ExportOrders;

class Order extends Resource
// snipped..
* Get the actions available for the resource.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return array

public function actions(Request $request)
return [
(new ExportOrders())

Next, I created the above-named file at app/Nova/Actions/ExportOrders.php to define the headings and map the fields to their corresponding export fields:

namespace App\Nova\Actions;

use App\Models\Order;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithHeadings;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithMapping;
use Maatwebsite\LaravelNovaExcel\Actions\DownloadExcel;

class ExportOrders extends DownloadExcel implements WithMapping, WithHeadings
* @return array

public function headings(): array
return [

* @param $order
* @return array

public function map($order): array
return [

Initially I’d added more functionality within this class to merge fields and add custom export but in the end, I decided to move a lot of these field customisations into Eloquent accessors instead. This meant that when they were accessed in the Nova panel, exports or anywhere else they became consistent.