Linux Server: Send Email on File Change
This script will send an email when a file changes in the given path. Can’t remember where I picked this up from but it’s useful to have when you need to debug something that writes files.
#!/bin/sh # # Monitor file $1 for changes # Send an alert emai to $2 if file $1 changes # usage: /var/log/messages #if [ -z “$2” ]; then
echo "Usage: "
exit 1
fi#if a inotifywait for this file is already running
if [ $(ps aux | grep inotifywait | grep -c “$1” ) -gt ‘0’ ]; then
echo “A process monitoring the file $1 is already running: $(ps aux | grep inotifywait | grep “$1” )”;
exit 1;
fi#if inotifywait exists
type -P inotifywait &>/dev/null || { echo "Error: This script requires inotifywait( … apt-get install inotify-tools … " >&2; exit 1; }#if the file exists
if [ -f $1 ]; then
echo “Monitoring file $1 for changes - sending alerts to $2”
while inotifywait -e modify -e attrib -e move -e delete $1 -o /root/audit.log; do
sleep 1# changes="$(tail -n5 $1)" changes="$(cat /root/audit.log)" echo "The following change occurred in the file $1 : $changes" | mail -s "Change in $1" $2 rm /root/audit.log touch /root/audit.log done
echo “Error: File $1 not found”