Email Settings
Each email box can store a max of 3GB if you’re using IMAP – but if you add the IMAP account to your phone and computer, they’ll stay in sync (ie, read messages, new mail etc). If you’re using POP3, it downloads the messages permanently to your computer and nowhere else (first to fetch gets the message).
Email address for the email box you’ve been given
Password for the email account you’ve been given
Incoming/outgoing servers name:
Incoming server type:
Incoming server (IMAP):
993 port for SSL, 143 for TLS/STARTTLS
Incoming server (POP3):
995 port for SSL, 110 for TLS/STARTTLS
Outgoing server (SMTP):
465 port for SSL, 25 or 26 for TLS/STARTTLS
Outgoing server authentication should be switched on, SPA (secure password authentication) must be disabled.
You can also access webmail securely at